Day by Day cartoon

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Why I hate taking my vehicles to the shop-

406 dollars! That's why! Dangitall, I'm unhappy! I wouldn't pay one place $300 because they insisted on replacing parts that didn't need replacing. So I did it myself, $60 for brake pads, another $11 for the rotor turning and I should have been done.

Except the grease seal into the axle got damaged and began puking axles grease out onto the caliper, wrecking my brand new $60 pads. In addition, the $125 parking brake shoes are also grease-soaked and must be replaced!

[Insert John Dean-like scream here]

I really, really hate situations like this. I am additionally unhappy that the Tracker is still on jackstands after much grunting and huffing and rasslin of a greasy, ungainly and heavy transmission last night. The transmission is still on the jack, not installed and I spent 20 bucks on a clutch alignment tool to replace the one that I already own that is hiding in some crevice of my workshop.

My karma is really in the toilet tight now. I suppose its really truckma but it still has me very grumpy.

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